
Please see below our Trust policies.

  1. 16-19 Bursary Policy
  2. Allegations of Abuse - Safeguarding of Teachers, Other Staff and Volunteers
  3. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Policy
  4. Anti Fraud Policy
  5. Appraisal and Capability Policy
  6. Asbestos Management Policy
  7. Asset Management Plan
  8. Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure (Staff)
  9. Business and Pecuniary Interests
  10. Children In Care Policy
  11. Child Protection Policy
  12. Code of Conduct for All Adults
  13. Code of Conduct for Trustees and Local Governing Committees
  14. Complaints Policy
  15. Contractors Policy
  16. Copying Policy
  17. Disciplinary Relating to Misconduct All Staff
  18. Disciplinary Rules for all Employees
  19. Discretion Policy - Pension Scheme
  20. E-Safety Policy
  21. EAL Policy
  22. Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
  23. ECT Induction Policy
  24. Energy Management
  25. Equality and Diversity Policy Students
  26. Equality and Diversity Policy (Equal Ops)
  27. Equality Duty Statement Public Sector - Policy
  28. Equality Duty Statement Public Sector – Report
  29. Fire Management Policy
  30. First Aid Policy
  31. Flexible Working Policy
  32. Freedom of Information Policy
  33. GDPR Policy
  34. GDPR Privacy Notice Learners
  35. GDPR Privacy Notice Staff
  36. Gender Pay Gap Report 31.03.23
  37. Gifts and Hospitality Policy
  38. Grievance Procedure
  39. Guidance for Safer Working Practice - Feb 2022
  40. Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
  41. ICT Display Screen Equipment
  42. ICT Display Screen Equipment Assessment Tool Appendix 1
  43. ICT Display Screen Equipment Laptop User Guide Appendix 2
  44. ICT Display Screen Equipment Advice Booklet Appendix 3
  45. ICT Staff Policy
  46. ICT Student Policies
  47. Intimate Care Policy
  48. Investment Policy
  49. Legionella
  50. Lettings
  51. Manual Handling Policy
  52. Maternity and Paternity Leave Policy
  53. Medical Conditions Policy
  54. Menopause Policy
  55. Pay Policy
  56. PE and Performing Arts Provision Policy
  57. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)
  58. Plagiarism and AI Policy
  59. Probation Procedure for all Employees
  60. Rarely Cover Policy
  61. Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure
  62. Recruitment of Ex Offenders Policy
  63. Redundancy Policy
  64. Reference Writing Policy
  65. Relationships and Sex Policy Primary
  66. Relationships and Sex Policy Secondary
  67. Remote Lone Worker Policy
  68. Risk Assessment Policy and Risk Register
  69. Safeguarding
  70. Security Policy
  71. Sexual Violence and Harassment (Students - Secondary)
  72. Sickness Absence Policy and Procedure
  73. Shared Parental Leave Policy – Adoption
  74. Shared Parental Leave Policy – Birth
  75. Single Central Record
  76. Staff Development Policy
  77. Staff Wellbeing Policy
  78. Trade Union – Recognition and Procedural
  79. Travel and Staff Expenses
  80. Trips and Visits Policy Secondary
  81. Trustee and Governors' Visits Policy
  82. Visiting Speakers Policy
  83. Whistleblowing Policy