Ofsted Success

Hampton Vale Primary joined the Four Cs Trust five years ago and has undergone a journey of rapid transformation during this time. The school, which previously was deemed as ‘Inadequate’, has now received a glowing report from Ofsted, receiving a ‘Good’ overall inspection grade with Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes and Leadership and Management all receiving ‘Outstanding.’
Hampton Vale Primary has also gained excellent sets of data in all the major milestone assessments including Reception (Good Level of Development), phonics and KS2 SATs results, all being significantly higher than the national average and proving that the enriching, broad and balanced curriculum approach they offer really is effective.
During their inspection, Ofsted noted ‘Children love attending Hampton Vale’ and ‘Pupils’ behaviour is excellent.’ Mrs Chamberlain commented ‘I am so incredibly proud of our children, not just on these two days but who they are, how they treat others and their desire to learn and be enriched, every day of the year. It has been a long road to climb but we have such a talented group of staff and such a supportive community. It was always going to thrive. Hampton Vale is a special place to be, and we are so happy that Ofsted were able to recognise this during their visit.’
During the two-day inspection, Ofsted spoke of exceptional practise. They included in their report that ‘Adults have very high expectations of what children can achieve’ and ‘Pupils do not give up when things are hard, they keep going and this means they achieve highly’. You only need to visit the school to see how incredible the young people are within it and how they are guided so carefully by their teachers. Miss Daniels commented ‘our children learn how to be global citizens which is underpinned by our school values and a curriculum that empowers them to understand the world around them.’ If you are interested in your child attending Hampton Vale Primary, please contact the school office on 01733 254700 or via office@hvp.org.uk.