Discovery Primary Academy Celebrate A Great Achievement

Staff and pupils at Discovery Primary Academy are celebrating the results of their latest Ofsted inspection which saw the school judged to be ‘Good’ in all areas.
The team at Discovery Primary Academy were thrilled to receive a rating of ‘Good’ across all five key areas within Ofsted’s framework; quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.
This was Discovery Primary Academy’s first full inspection since joining The Four Cs Trust in September 2018.
The report, which was published last week, stated: “Pupils enjoy belonging to Discovery Primary Academy. They know adults care for them and want them to do well. Pupils appreciate the high levels of support they get for their learning as soon as they arrive at the school. Pupils who need extra support benefit from the swift and effective response of adults to their needs. However long or short their time is at this school; pupils are proud of the progress they make.”
“Pupils follow the school’s rules and benefit from consistent routines. This also helps them feel safe. They are motivated by the rewards they can receive.” The academy was praised for calm lessons which enable pupils to focus on their learning. It was also reported that “Pupils play and learn well together and are very respectful.” “They like taking on leadership roles, such as language ambassadors, being elected to the academy council or running the school shop. They enjoy visits to the local secondary school for sports.”
Michelle Siequien, Headteacher at Discovery Primary Academy, said: “I would like to thank and congratulate everyone who has a role to play at Discovery, for the hard work and dedication they have shown in achieving this fantastic Ofsted.
We are delighted that “Ofsted particularly highlighted our work on our ambitious consistent curriculum ensuring all pupils’ knowledge builds up over time. They recognised that leaders and teachers skilfully adapted the curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or who arrive at the school at varying points in the year. As a result, pupils make swift progress from their starting points.”
The report also went onto highlight:
- That Reading was prioritised at the school.
- Leaders choose high-quality texts to widen pupils’ vocabulary and develop their understanding of different writing styles.
- Children in the early years get off to a good start. Teachers are effective in tailoring the curriculum so children quickly start learning to read and can understand key mathematical concepts.
- Pupils behave well throughout the school.
- They are well prepared for life in modern Britain as they are taught about British values in lessons and assemblies and experience democracy through elections to the academy council.
- Pupils feel safe at this school as they have good relationships with trusted adults.
Mr Sandeman, the CEO of the Four Cs Trust added: “I am extremely proud of the staff and pupils at Discovery Primary Academy; all staff work incredibly hard for the education and wellbeing of the children in their care and the results of this report are testament to strong leadership and high expectations of everyone at the academy”.
To find out more about Discovery Primary Academy and the spaces it has available, visit: