Meet the Trustees

David Whiles – Chair of Trustees

Committee Membership: The Standards Committee and SEND Link Trustee
Current Job: Retired
David is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Chartered Water and Environmental Manager. He has extensive international experience in construction, the development of public health infrastructure and organisational change.

David Gilmour McLaren – Trustee and Member

Committee Membership: Ex officio for Resources and Standards
Current Job: Retired

Now retired, David Gilmour, was Director of financial services adviser and an Insurance Broker.

John Dadge – Trustee

Committee Membership: Resources
Current Job: Chartered Town Planner

John Dadge is a chartered town planner specialising in commercial development. He is a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and a  former founding partner of East Anglian chartered surveyors practice at Barker Storey Matthews.  John currently acts as a planning and development consultant to the firm. He is chairman of Northborough Parish Council and his two children are former students of AMVC where he was a Governor for over 15 years. His particular areas of expertise in relation to his role as Trustee relates to all aspects of planning and development and facilities management.

Gary Dawkins – Trustee and Member

Committee Membership: Chair of Resources
Current Job: Retired after 38 years with BT
Gary was a primary school governor for a few years and then he became a secondary school governor since 1991. He retired as a Lead Consultant with BT, working in design of its networks. Gary holds a Diploma in Management Studies and is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineering & Technology. 

Andrew Finding - Trustee

Committee Membership: Standards and Remuneration Committees
Current Job: Group Finance Director - KNP Logistics Group

Andrew’s current role is heading up the finance function for the KNP Logistics Group.   He has held similar positions at a variety of businesses across several sectors and has extensive experience of financial, change and corporate governance management.  For over five years Andrew was a Governor at a local Primary School where he chaired the Resources Committee.  Andrew holds a Masters degree in Business Administration and is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants.

Paulina Ford - Trustee

Committee Membership: The Standards Committee
Current Job: Retired

Paulina worked for Peterborough City Council from 2004 to September 2022 facilitating strong and effective democratic and governance functions within the Council to achieve statutory and constitutional compliance which included supporting councillors to scrutinise the services of the council.  Prior to joining the council, she worked in the private sector in Financial Services in various roles including project management, recruitment and training and development. Paulina has over 20 years’ experience as a governor at secondary school level where she has chaired the Curriculum and Standards committee.  Paulina now works as a part time Exam Invigilator at Arthur Mellows Village College.

Pamela Kilbey - Trustee

Photo of Pamela KilbeyCommittee Membership: The Standards Committee

Current Job: Consultant

Pamela is currently an Education Consultant having spent her entire career in education as a teacher, including many years working in both Zambia and South Africa. She was a Senior Leader in Stanground College before becoming Headteacher of Jack Hunt School and CEO of the Peterborough Keys Academies Trust, comprising of four Primary schools and one Secondary School. 




Sarah Humble - Trustee

Committee Membership: The Standards Committee and Safeguarding Link Trustee
Current Job: Solicitor, Professional Support Lawyers at Hewitsons Solicitors LLP

Sarah has advised as a commercial property solicitor on a broad range of non-contentious real estate matters for the full range of clients from institutional investors to private individuals.  She has worked in both private practice and the public sector. Sarah has over 7 years  experience as a governor at secondary school level where she has chaired the Students and Safeguarding committe

Jonathan Theobalds - Vice Chair of Trustees

Committee Membership: Vice Chair of Standards Committee
Current Job: Managing Director of Peterborough based Rivercircle

Jonathan holds previous experience of Chair of Governors at both primary and secondary level and in the past, has also been a Trustee of another Multi-Academy Trust.